integer, parameter | vmec_input::mpol_default = 6 |
integer, parameter | vmec_input::ntor_default = 0 |
integer, parameter | vmec_input::ns_default = 31 |
integer, parameter | vmec_input::niter_default = 100 |
real(rprec), parameter | vmec_input::ftol_default = 1.E-10_dp |
integer, parameter | vmec_input::num_iter2_to_dump = 20 |
integer | vmec_input::nfp |
integer | vmec_input::ncurr |
integer | vmec_input::nstep |
integer | vmec_input::nvacskip |
integer | vmec_input::mpol |
integer | vmec_input::ntor |
integer | vmec_input::ntheta |
integer | vmec_input::nzeta |
integer | vmec_input::mfilter_fbdy |
integer | vmec_input::nfilter_fbdy |
integer, dimension(100) | vmec_input::ns_array |
integer, dimension(100) | vmec_input::niter_array |
real(rprec), dimension(100) | vmec_input::ftol_array |
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) | vmec_input::rbc |
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) | vmec_input::zbs |
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) | vmec_input::rbs |
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) | vmec_input::zbc |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::curtor |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::delt |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::tcon0 |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::gamma |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::bloat |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::pres_scale |
real(rprec) | vmec_input::spres_ped |
| value of s beyond which pressure profile is flat (pedestal)
real(rprec) | vmec_input::phiedge |
| value of real toroidal flux at plasma edge (s=1)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) | vmec_input::am |
| array of coefficients in phi-series for mass (NWT/m**2)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) | vmec_input::ai |
| array of coefficients in phi-series for iota (ncurr=0)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) | vmec_input::ac |
| array of coefficients in phi-series for the quantity d(Icurv)/ds = toroidal current density * Vprime, so Icurv(s) = Itor(s) (used for ncurr=1)
real(rprec), dimension(1:20) | vmec_input::aphi |
character(len=20) | vmec_input::pcurr_type |
character(len=20) | vmec_input::piota_type |
character(len=20) | vmec_input::pmass_type |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::am_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::am_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::ai_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::ai_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::ac_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) | vmec_input::ac_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) | vmec_input::raxis_cc |
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) | vmec_input::raxis_cs |
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) | vmec_input::zaxis_cc |
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) | vmec_input::zaxis_cs |
real(rprec), dimension(nigroup) | vmec_input::extcur |
logical | vmec_input::lfreeb |
logical | vmec_input::lasym |
integer | vmec_input::vac_1_2 |
| switch between implementations of NESTOR: vac1 (magnetic scalar potential, both Stellarator and Tokamak) vac2/vac3 (surface current density, Stellarator/Tokamak) Only vac1 is available in educational_VMEC by default.
logical | vmec_input::lbsubs |
character(len=200) | vmec_input::mgrid_file |
character(len=100) | vmec_input::input_extension |
integer, dimension(num_iter2_to_dump) | vmec_input::iter2_to_dump |
| values of iter2 for which to dump data
logical | vmec_input::dump_add_fluxes = .false. |
| individual flags to control debug output loosely related to similarly-named routines (checkpoints along iterations)
logical | vmec_input::dump_metric = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_volume = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_bcontrav = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_bcov = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_lambda_forces = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_bcov_full = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_precondn = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_forcenorms_tcon = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_lulv_comb = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_calc_fbal = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_evolve = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_fixaray = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_spectral_constraint = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_forces = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_totzsp_input = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_funct3d_geometry = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_constraint_force = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_guess_axis = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_interp = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_jacobian = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_lamcal = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_profil1d = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_profil3d = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_readin_boundary = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_phys_gc = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_fsq = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_scale_m1 = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_scalfor_out = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_fsq1 = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_scalfor_r = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_scalfor_z = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_symforce = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_tomnsps = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_tomnspa = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_multigrid_result = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_rbsq = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_printout = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_bcovar_fileout = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_bss = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_jxbforce_bsub_lowpass = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_jxbout = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_mercier = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_firsttable = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_geomag = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_volquant = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_axis = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_beta = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_threed1_shafrint = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_freeb_data = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_vacuum = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_precal = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_surface = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_bextern = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_analyt = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_greenf = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_fourp = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_fouri = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_solver = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac1n_bsqvac = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_vacuum = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_precal = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_surface = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_bexmat = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_matrix = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_foumat_unreg = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_analin = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_analyt = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_foumat = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_linsys = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_linslv = .false. |
logical | vmec_input::dump_vac2_bsqvac = .false. |