VMEC 8.52
3D Equilibrium solver with nested flux surfaces.
No Matches
vmec_input Module Reference


subroutine read_indata_namelist (iunit, istat)
subroutine write_indata_namelist (iunit, istat)


integer, parameter mpol_default = 6
integer, parameter ntor_default = 0
integer, parameter ns_default = 31
integer, parameter niter_default = 100
real(rprec), parameter ftol_default = 1.E-10_dp
integer, parameter num_iter2_to_dump = 20
integer nfp
integer ncurr
integer nstep
integer nvacskip
integer mpol
integer ntor
integer ntheta
integer nzeta
integer mfilter_fbdy
integer nfilter_fbdy
integer, dimension(100) ns_array
integer, dimension(100) niter_array
real(rprec), dimension(100) ftol_array
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) rbc
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) zbs
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) rbs
real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord, 0:mpol1d) zbc
 value of s beyond which pressure profile is flat (pedestal)
 value of real toroidal flux at plasma edge (s=1)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) am
 array of coefficients in phi-series for mass (NWT/m**2)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) ai
 array of coefficients in phi-series for iota (ncurr=0)
real(rprec), dimension(0:20) ac
 array of coefficients in phi-series for the quantity d(Icurv)/ds = toroidal current density * Vprime, so Icurv(s) = Itor(s) (used for ncurr=1)
real(rprec), dimension(1:20) aphi
character(len=20) pcurr_type
character(len=20) piota_type
character(len=20) pmass_type
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) am_aux_s
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) am_aux_f
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ai_aux_s
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ai_aux_f
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ac_aux_s
real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) ac_aux_f
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) raxis_cc
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) raxis_cs
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) zaxis_cc
real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) zaxis_cs
real(rprec), dimension(nigroupextcur
logical lfreeb
logical lasym
integer vac_1_2
 switch between implementations of NESTOR: vac1 (magnetic scalar potential, both Stellarator and Tokamak) vac2/vac3 (surface current density, Stellarator/Tokamak) Only vac1 is available in educational_VMEC by default.
logical lbsubs
character(len=200) mgrid_file
character(len=100) input_extension
integer, dimension(num_iter2_to_dumpiter2_to_dump
 values of iter2 for which to dump data
logical dump_add_fluxes = .false.
 individual flags to control debug output loosely related to similarly-named routines (checkpoints along iterations)
logical dump_metric = .false.
logical dump_volume = .false.
logical dump_bcontrav = .false.
logical dump_bcov = .false.
logical dump_lambda_forces = .false.
logical dump_bcov_full = .false.
logical dump_precondn = .false.
logical dump_forcenorms_tcon = .false.
logical dump_lulv_comb = .false.
logical dump_calc_fbal = .false.
logical dump_evolve = .false.
logical dump_fixaray = .false.
logical dump_spectral_constraint = .false.
logical dump_forces = .false.
logical dump_totzsp_input = .false.
logical dump_funct3d_geometry = .false.
logical dump_constraint_force = .false.
logical dump_guess_axis = .false.
logical dump_interp = .false.
logical dump_jacobian = .false.
logical dump_lamcal = .false.
logical dump_profil1d = .false.
logical dump_profil3d = .false.
logical dump_readin_boundary = .false.
logical dump_phys_gc = .false.
logical dump_fsq = .false.
logical dump_scale_m1 = .false.
logical dump_scalfor_out = .false.
logical dump_fsq1 = .false.
logical dump_scalfor_r = .false.
logical dump_scalfor_z = .false.
logical dump_symforce = .false.
logical dump_tomnsps = .false.
logical dump_tomnspa = .false.
logical dump_multigrid_result = .false.
logical dump_rbsq = .false.
logical dump_printout = .false.
logical dump_bcovar_fileout = .false.
logical dump_bss = .false.
logical dump_jxbforce_bsub_lowpass = .false.
logical dump_jxbout = .false.
logical dump_mercier = .false.
logical dump_threed1_firsttable = .false.
logical dump_threed1_geomag = .false.
logical dump_threed1_volquant = .false.
logical dump_threed1_axis = .false.
logical dump_threed1_beta = .false.
logical dump_threed1_shafrint = .false.
logical dump_freeb_data = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_vacuum = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_precal = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_surface = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_bextern = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_analyt = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_greenf = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_fourp = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_fouri = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_solver = .false.
logical dump_vac1n_bsqvac = .false.
logical dump_vac2_vacuum = .false.
logical dump_vac2_precal = .false.
logical dump_vac2_surface = .false.
logical dump_vac2_bexmat = .false.
logical dump_vac2_matrix = .false.
logical dump_vac2_foumat_unreg = .false.
logical dump_vac2_analin = .false.
logical dump_vac2_analyt = .false.
logical dump_vac2_foumat = .false.
logical dump_vac2_linsys = .false.
logical dump_vac2_linslv = .false.
logical dump_vac2_bsqvac = .false.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ read_indata_namelist()

subroutine vmec_input::read_indata_namelist ( integer, intent(in) iunit,
integer, intent(inout) istat )

Definition at line 296 of file vmec_input.f90.

References ac, ac_aux_s, ai, ai_aux_s, am, am_aux_s, aphi, bloat, curtor, delt, extcur, ftol_array, ftol_default, gamma, iter2_to_dump, lasym, lbsubs, lfreeb, mfilter_fbdy, mgrid_file, mpol, mpol_default, ncurr, nfilter_fbdy, nfp, niter_array, niter_default, ns_array, ns_default, nstep, ntheta, ntor, ntor_default, nvacskip, nzeta, pcurr_type, phiedge, piota_type, pmass_type, pres_scale, raxis_cc, raxis_cs, rbc, rbs, spres_ped, tcon0, vac_1_2, zaxis_cc, zaxis_cs, zbc, and zbs.

Referenced by read_indata().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ write_indata_namelist()

subroutine vmec_input::write_indata_namelist ( integer, intent(in) iunit,
integer, intent(inout) istat )

Variable Documentation

◆ ac

real(rprec), dimension(0:20) vmec_input::ac

array of coefficients in phi-series for the quantity d(Icurv)/ds = toroidal current density * Vprime, so Icurv(s) = Itor(s) (used for ncurr=1)

Definition at line 45 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pcurr(), read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ac_aux_f

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::ac_aux_f

Definition at line 56 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pcurr(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ac_aux_s

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::ac_aux_s

Definition at line 55 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pcurr(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ai

real(rprec), dimension(0:20) vmec_input::ai

array of coefficients in phi-series for iota (ncurr=0)

Definition at line 44 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by piota(), read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ai_aux_f

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::ai_aux_f

Definition at line 54 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by piota(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ai_aux_s

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::ai_aux_s

Definition at line 53 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by piota(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ am

real(rprec), dimension(0:20) vmec_input::am

array of coefficients in phi-series for mass (NWT/m**2)

Definition at line 43 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pmass(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ am_aux_f

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::am_aux_f

Definition at line 52 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pmass(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ am_aux_s

real(rprec), dimension(ndatafmax) vmec_input::am_aux_s

Definition at line 51 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pmass(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ aphi

real(rprec), dimension(1:20) vmec_input::aphi

Definition at line 47 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and torflux_deriv().

◆ bloat

real(rprec) vmec_input::bloat

Definition at line 39 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pcurr(), pmass(), read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ curtor

real(rprec) vmec_input::curtor

Definition at line 35 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ delt

real(rprec) vmec_input::delt

Definition at line 36 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), reset_params(), vmec(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ dump_add_fluxes

logical vmec_input::dump_add_fluxes = .false.

individual flags to control debug output loosely related to similarly-named routines (checkpoints along iterations)

Definition at line 90 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_bcontrav

logical vmec_input::dump_bcontrav = .false.

Definition at line 93 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_bcov

logical vmec_input::dump_bcov = .false.

Definition at line 94 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_bcov_full

logical vmec_input::dump_bcov_full = .false.

Definition at line 96 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_bcovar_fileout

logical vmec_input::dump_bcovar_fileout = .false.

Definition at line 130 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_bss

logical vmec_input::dump_bss = .false.

Definition at line 131 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_calc_fbal

logical vmec_input::dump_calc_fbal = .false.

Definition at line 100 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_constraint_force

logical vmec_input::dump_constraint_force = .false.

Definition at line 107 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_evolve

logical vmec_input::dump_evolve = .false.

Definition at line 101 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_fixaray

logical vmec_input::dump_fixaray = .false.

Definition at line 102 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_forcenorms_tcon

logical vmec_input::dump_forcenorms_tcon = .false.

Definition at line 98 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_forces

logical vmec_input::dump_forces = .false.

Definition at line 104 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_freeb_data

logical vmec_input::dump_freeb_data = .false.

Definition at line 141 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_fsq

logical vmec_input::dump_fsq = .false.

Definition at line 116 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_fsq1

logical vmec_input::dump_fsq1 = .false.

Definition at line 119 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_funct3d_geometry

logical vmec_input::dump_funct3d_geometry = .false.

Definition at line 106 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_guess_axis

logical vmec_input::dump_guess_axis = .false.

Definition at line 108 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_interp

logical vmec_input::dump_interp = .false.

Definition at line 109 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_jacobian

logical vmec_input::dump_jacobian = .false.

Definition at line 110 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by jacobian(), and dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_jxbforce_bsub_lowpass

logical vmec_input::dump_jxbforce_bsub_lowpass = .false.

Definition at line 132 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_jxbout

logical vmec_input::dump_jxbout = .false.

Definition at line 133 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_lambda_forces

logical vmec_input::dump_lambda_forces = .false.

Definition at line 95 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_lamcal

logical vmec_input::dump_lamcal = .false.

Definition at line 111 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_lulv_comb

logical vmec_input::dump_lulv_comb = .false.

Definition at line 99 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_mercier

logical vmec_input::dump_mercier = .false.

Definition at line 134 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_metric

logical vmec_input::dump_metric = .false.

Definition at line 91 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_multigrid_result

logical vmec_input::dump_multigrid_result = .false.

Definition at line 125 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_phys_gc

logical vmec_input::dump_phys_gc = .false.

Definition at line 115 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_precondn

logical vmec_input::dump_precondn = .false.

Definition at line 97 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_printout

logical vmec_input::dump_printout = .false.

Definition at line 127 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_profil1d

logical vmec_input::dump_profil1d = .false.

Definition at line 112 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_profil3d

logical vmec_input::dump_profil3d = .false.

Definition at line 113 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_rbsq

logical vmec_input::dump_rbsq = .false.

Definition at line 126 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_readin_boundary

logical vmec_input::dump_readin_boundary = .false.

Definition at line 114 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_scale_m1

logical vmec_input::dump_scale_m1 = .false.

Definition at line 117 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_scalfor_out

logical vmec_input::dump_scalfor_out = .false.

Definition at line 118 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_scalfor_r

logical vmec_input::dump_scalfor_r = .false.

Definition at line 120 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_scalfor_z

logical vmec_input::dump_scalfor_z = .false.

Definition at line 121 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_spectral_constraint

logical vmec_input::dump_spectral_constraint = .false.

Definition at line 103 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_symforce

logical vmec_input::dump_symforce = .false.

Definition at line 122 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_axis

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_axis = .false.

Definition at line 138 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_beta

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_beta = .false.

Definition at line 139 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_firsttable

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_firsttable = .false.

Definition at line 135 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_geomag

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_geomag = .false.

Definition at line 136 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_shafrint

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_shafrint = .false.

Definition at line 140 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_threed1_volquant

logical vmec_input::dump_threed1_volquant = .false.

Definition at line 137 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_tomnspa

logical vmec_input::dump_tomnspa = .false.

Definition at line 124 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_tomnsps

logical vmec_input::dump_tomnsps = .false.

Definition at line 123 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_totzsp_input

logical vmec_input::dump_totzsp_input = .false.

Definition at line 105 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_analyt

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_analyt = .false.

Definition at line 148 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_bextern

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_bextern = .false.

Definition at line 147 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_bsqvac

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_bsqvac = .false.

Definition at line 153 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_fouri

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_fouri = .false.

Definition at line 151 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_fourp

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_fourp = .false.

Definition at line 150 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_greenf

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_greenf = .false.

Definition at line 149 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_precal

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_precal = .false.

Definition at line 145 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_solver

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_solver = .false.

Definition at line 152 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_surface

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_surface = .false.

Definition at line 146 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac1n_vacuum

logical vmec_input::dump_vac1n_vacuum = .false.

Definition at line 144 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_analin

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_analin = .false.

Definition at line 161 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_analyt

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_analyt = .false.

Definition at line 162 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_bexmat

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_bexmat = .false.

Definition at line 158 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_bsqvac

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_bsqvac = .false.

Definition at line 166 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_foumat

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_foumat = .false.

Definition at line 163 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_foumat_unreg

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_foumat_unreg = .false.

Definition at line 160 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_linslv

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_linslv = .false.

Definition at line 165 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_linsys

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_linsys = .false.

Definition at line 164 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_matrix

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_matrix = .false.

Definition at line 159 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_precal

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_precal = .false.

Definition at line 156 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_surface

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_surface = .false.

Definition at line 157 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_vac2_vacuum

logical vmec_input::dump_vac2_vacuum = .false.

Definition at line 155 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ dump_volume

logical vmec_input::dump_volume = .false.

Definition at line 92 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ extcur

real(rprec), dimension(nigroup) vmec_input::extcur

Definition at line 62 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ftol_array

real(rprec), dimension(100) vmec_input::ftol_array

Definition at line 29 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), vmec(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ftol_default

real(rprec), parameter vmec_input::ftol_default = 1.E-10_dp

Definition at line 13 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ gamma

real(rprec) vmec_input::gamma

Definition at line 38 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ input_extension

character(len=100) vmec_input::input_extension

Definition at line 81 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by jacobian(), mercier(), dbgout::open_dbg_context(), vmec(), and wrout().

◆ iter2_to_dump

integer, dimension(num_iter2_to_dump) vmec_input::iter2_to_dump

values of iter2 for which to dump data

Definition at line 86 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context(), and read_indata_namelist().

◆ lasym

logical vmec_input::lasym

◆ lbsubs

logical vmec_input::lbsubs

Definition at line 78 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ lfreeb

logical vmec_input::lfreeb

◆ mfilter_fbdy

integer vmec_input::mfilter_fbdy

Definition at line 24 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ mgrid_file

character(len=200) vmec_input::mgrid_file

Definition at line 80 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ mpol

integer vmec_input::mpol

◆ mpol_default

integer, parameter vmec_input::mpol_default = 6

Definition at line 9 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ ncurr

integer vmec_input::ncurr

Definition at line 17 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), vmec(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ nfilter_fbdy

integer vmec_input::nfilter_fbdy

Definition at line 25 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ nfp

integer vmec_input::nfp

◆ niter_array

integer, dimension(100) vmec_input::niter_array

Definition at line 28 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), vmec(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ niter_default

integer, parameter vmec_input::niter_default = 100

Definition at line 12 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ ns_array

integer, dimension(100) vmec_input::ns_array

Definition at line 27 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), vmec(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ns_default

integer, parameter vmec_input::ns_default = 31

Definition at line 11 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ nstep

integer vmec_input::nstep

Definition at line 18 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ ntheta

integer vmec_input::ntheta

Definition at line 22 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata(), and read_indata_namelist().

◆ ntor

integer vmec_input::ntor

Definition at line 21 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ ntor_default

integer, parameter vmec_input::ntor_default = 0

Definition at line 10 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ num_iter2_to_dump

integer, parameter vmec_input::num_iter2_to_dump = 20

Definition at line 14 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by dbgout::open_dbg_context().

◆ nvacskip

integer vmec_input::nvacskip

Definition at line 19 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ nzeta

integer vmec_input::nzeta

◆ pcurr_type

character(len=20) vmec_input::pcurr_type

Definition at line 48 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pcurr(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ phiedge

real(rprec) vmec_input::phiedge

value of real toroidal flux at plasma edge (s=1)

Definition at line 42 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), vmec(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ piota_type

character(len=20) vmec_input::piota_type

Definition at line 49 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by piota(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ pmass_type

character(len=20) vmec_input::pmass_type

Definition at line 50 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pmass(), read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ pres_scale

real(rprec) vmec_input::pres_scale

Definition at line 40 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by pmass(), read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ raxis_cc

real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::raxis_cc

Definition at line 58 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ raxis_cs

real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::raxis_cs

Definition at line 59 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ rbc

real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord,0:mpol1d) vmec_input::rbc

Definition at line 31 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ rbs

real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord,0:mpol1d) vmec_input::rbs

Definition at line 33 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ spres_ped

real(rprec) vmec_input::spres_ped

value of s beyond which pressure profile is flat (pedestal)

Definition at line 41 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ tcon0

real(rprec) vmec_input::tcon0

Definition at line 37 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ vac_1_2

integer vmec_input::vac_1_2

switch between implementations of NESTOR: vac1 (magnetic scalar potential, both Stellarator and Tokamak) vac2/vac3 (surface current density, Stellarator/Tokamak) Only vac1 is available in educational_VMEC by default.

Definition at line 70 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist().

◆ zaxis_cc

real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::zaxis_cc

Definition at line 60 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ zaxis_cs

real(rprec), dimension(0:ntord) vmec_input::zaxis_cs

Definition at line 61 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), write_indata_namelist(), and wrout().

◆ zbc

real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord,0:mpol1d) vmec_input::zbc

Definition at line 34 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().

◆ zbs

real(rprec), dimension(-ntord:ntord,0:mpol1d) vmec_input::zbs

Definition at line 32 of file vmec_input.f90.

Referenced by read_indata_namelist(), and write_indata_namelist().