VMEC 8.52
3D Equilibrium solver with nested flux surfaces.
Reading of wout
VMEC output file.
Data Types | |
interface | read_wout_file |
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | readw_and_open (file_or_extension, ierr, iopen) |
subroutine | compute_currents (ierror) |
subroutine | read_wout_deallocate |
subroutine | tosuvspace (s_in, u_in, v_in, gsqrt, bsupu, bsupv, jsupu, jsupv, lam) |
subroutine | loadrzl |
Variables | |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_version = 'version_' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_extension = 'input_extension' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mgrid = 'mgrid_file' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_magen = 'wb' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_therm = 'wp' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_gam = 'gamma' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_maxr = 'rmax_surf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_minr = 'rmin_surf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_maxz = 'zmax_surf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_fp = 'nfp' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_radnod = 'ns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_polmod = 'mpol' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_tormod = 'ntor' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_maxmod = 'mnmax' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_maxit = 'niter' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_asym = 'lasym' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_free = 'lfreeb' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_error = 'ier_flag' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_aspect = 'aspect' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_maxmod_nyq = 'mnmax_nyq' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_beta = 'betatotal' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_pbeta = 'betapol' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_tbeta = 'betator' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_abeta = 'betaxis' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_b0 = 'b0' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rbt0 = 'rbtor0' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rbt1 = 'rbtor' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_sgs = 'signgs' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_lar = 'IonLarmor' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_modb = 'volavgB' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ctor = 'ctor' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_amin = 'Aminor_p' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rmaj = 'Rmajor_p' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_vol = 'volume_p' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_am = 'am' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ai = 'ai' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ac = 'ac' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ah = 'hot particle fraction' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_atuname = 'T-perp/T-par' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_pmass_type = 'pmass_type' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_piota_type = 'piota_type' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_pcurr_type = 'pcurr_type' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_am_aux_s = 'am_aux_s' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_am_aux_f = 'am_aux_f' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ai_aux_s = 'ai_aux_s' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ai_aux_f = 'ai_aux_f' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ac_aux_s = 'ac_aux_s' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ac_aux_f = 'ac_aux_f' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mse = 'imse' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_thom = 'itse' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_pmod = 'xm' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_tmod = 'xn' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_pmod_nyq = 'xm_nyq' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_tmod_nyq = 'xn_nyq' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_racc = 'raxis_cc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zacs = 'zaxis_cs' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_racs = 'raxis_cs' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zacc = 'zaxis_cc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_iotaf = 'iotaf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_qfact ='q-factor' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_chi ='chi' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_chipf ='chipf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_presf = 'presf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_phi = 'phi' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_phipf = 'phipf' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_jcuru = 'jcuru' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_jcurv = 'jcurv' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_iotah = 'iotas' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mass = 'mass' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_presh = 'pres' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_betah = 'beta_vol' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_buco = 'buco' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bvco = 'bvco' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_vp = 'vp' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_specw = 'specw' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_phip = 'phips' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_jdotb = 'jdotb' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bdotb = 'bdotb' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_overr = 'over_r' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bgrv = 'bdotgradv' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_merc = 'DMerc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mshear = 'DShear' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mwell = 'DWell' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mcurr = 'DCurr' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_mgeo = 'DGeod' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_equif = 'equif' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_fsq = 'fsqt' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_wdot = 'wdot' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_ftolv = 'ftolv' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_fsql = 'fsql' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_fsqr = 'fsqr' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_fsqz = 'fsqz' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_extcur = 'extcur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_curlab = 'curlabel' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rmnc = 'rmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zmns = 'zmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_lmns = 'lmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_gmnc = 'gmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bmnc = 'bmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubumnc = 'bsubumnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubvmnc = 'bsubvmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubsmns = 'bsubsmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupumnc = 'bsupumnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupvmnc = 'bsupvmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rmns = 'rmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zmnc = 'zmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_lmnc = 'lmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_gmns = 'gmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bmns = 'bmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubumns = 'bsubumns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubvmns = 'bsubvmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubsmnc = 'bsubsmnc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupumns = 'bsupumns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupvmns = 'bsupvmns' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubumnc_sur = 'bsubumnc_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubvmnc_sur = 'bsubvmnc_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupumnc_sur = 'bsupumnc_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupvmnc_sur = 'bsupvmnc_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubumns_sur = 'bsubumns_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsubvmns_sur = 'bsubvmns_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupumns_sur = 'bsupumns_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_bsupvmns_sur = 'bsupvmns_sur' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rbc = 'rbc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zbs = 'zbs' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_rbs = 'rbs' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_zbc = 'zbc' |
character(len= *), parameter | vn_potvac = 'potvac' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_version = 'VMEC Version' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_extension = 'Input file extension' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mgrid = 'MGRID file' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_magen = 'Magnetic Energy' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_therm = 'Thermal Energy' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_gam = 'Gamma' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_maxr = 'Maximum R' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_minr = 'Minimum R' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_maxz = 'Maximum Z' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_fp = 'Field Periods' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_radnod = 'Radial nodes' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_polmod = 'Poloidal modes' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_tormod = 'Toroidal modes' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_maxmod = 'Fourier modes' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_maxmod_nyq = 'Fourier modes (Nyquist)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_maxit = 'Max iterations' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_asym = 'Asymmetry' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_recon = 'Reconstruction' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_free = 'Free boundary' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_error = 'Error flag' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_aspect = 'Aspect ratio' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_beta = 'Total beta' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_pbeta = 'Poloidal beta' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_tbeta = 'Toroidal beta' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_abeta = 'Beta axis' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_b0 = 'RB-t over R axis' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rbt0 = 'RB-t axis' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rbt1 = 'RB-t edge' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_sgs = 'Sign jacobian' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_lar = 'Ion Larmor radius' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_modb = 'avg mod B' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ctor = 'Toroidal current' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_amin = 'minor radius' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rmaj = 'major radius' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_vol = 'Plasma volume' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mse = 'Number of MSE points' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_thom = 'Number of Thompson scattering points' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_am = 'Specification parameters for mass(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ac = 'Specification parameters for <J>(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ai = 'Specification parameters for iota(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_pmass_type = 'Profile type specifier for mass(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_pcurr_type = 'Profile type specifier for <J>(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_piota_type = 'Profile type specifier for iota(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_am_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for mass(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_am_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for mass(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ac_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for <J>(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ac_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for <J>(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ai_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for iota(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ai_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for iota(s)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_pmod = 'Poloidal mode numbers' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_tmod = 'Toroidal mode numbers' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_pmod_nyq = 'Poloidal mode numbers (Nyquist)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_tmod_nyq = 'Toroidal mode numbers (Nyquist)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_racc = 'raxis (cosnv)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_racs = 'raxis (sinnv)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zacs = 'zaxis (sinnv)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zacc = 'zaxis (cosnv)' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_iotaf = 'iota on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_qfact = 'q-factor on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_presf = 'pressure on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_phi = 'Toroidal flux on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_phipf = 'd(phi)/ds: Toroidal flux deriv on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_chi = 'Poloidal flux on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_chipf = 'd(chi)/ds: Poroidal flux deriv on full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_jcuru = 'j dot gradu full' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_jcurv = 'j dot gradv full' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_iotah = 'iota half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mass = 'mass half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_presh = 'pressure half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_betah = 'beta half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_buco = 'bsubu half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bvco = 'bsubv half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_vp = 'volume deriv half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_specw = 'Spectral width half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_phip = 'tor flux deriv over 2pi half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_jdotb = 'J dot B' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bdotb = 'B dot B' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bgrv = 'B dot grad v' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_merc = 'Mercier criterion' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mshear = 'Shear Mercier' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mwell = 'Well Mercier' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mcurr = 'Current Mercier' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_mgeo = 'Geodesic Mercier' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_equif ='Average force balance' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_fsq = 'Residual decay' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_wdot = 'Wdot decay' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_extcur = 'External coil currents' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_fsqr = 'Residual decay - radial' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_fsqz = 'Residual decay - vertical' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_fsql = 'Residual decay - hoop' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_ftolv = 'Residual decay - requested' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_curlab = 'External current names' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_lmns = 'sinmn component of lambda, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_gmnc = 'cosmn component of jacobian, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bmnc = 'cosmn component of mod-B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubumnc = 'cosmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubvmnc = 'cosmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubsmns = 'sinmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubumnc_sur = 'cosmn bsubu of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubvmnc_sur = 'cosmn bsubv of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupumnc_sur = 'cosmn bsupu of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupvmnc_sur = 'cosmn bsupv of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupumnc = 'BSUPUmnc half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupvmnc = 'BSUPVmnc half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_lmnc = 'cosmn component of lambda, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_gmns = 'sinmn component of jacobian, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bmns = 'sinmn component of mod-B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubumns = 'sinmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubvmns = 'sinmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubsmnc = 'cosmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubumns_sur = 'sinmn bsubu of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsubvmns_sur = 'sinmn bsubv of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupumns_sur = 'sinmn bsupu of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupvmns_sur = 'sinmn bsupv of B, surface' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupumns = 'BSUPUmns half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_bsupvmns = 'BSUPVmns half' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rbc = 'Initial boundary R cos(mu-nv) coefficients' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zbs = 'Initial boundary Z sin(mu-nv) coefficients' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_rbs = 'Initial boundary R sin(mu-nv) coefficients' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_zbc = 'Initial boundary Z cos(mu-nv) coefficients' |
character(len= *), parameter | ln_potvac = 'Vacuum Potential on Boundary' |
integer | nfp |
integer | ns |
integer | mpol |
integer | ntor |
integer | mnmax |
integer | mnmax_nyq |
integer | niter |
integer | iasym |
integer | ierr_vmec |
integer | imse |
integer | itse |
integer | isnodes |
integer | ipnodes |
integer | imatch_phiedge |
integer | isigng |
integer | mnyq |
integer | nnyq |
integer | ntmax |
real(rprec) | wb |
real(rprec) | wp |
real(rprec) | gamma |
real(rprec) | pfac |
real(rprec) | rmax_surf |
real(rprec) | rmin_surf |
real(rprec) | zmax_surf |
real(rprec) | aspect |
real(rprec) | betatot |
real(rprec) | betapol |
real(rprec) | betator |
real(rprec) | betaxis |
real(rprec) | b0 |
real(rprec) | tswgt |
real(rprec) | msewgt |
real(rprec) | flmwgt |
real(rprec) | bcwgt |
real(rprec) | phidiam |
real(rprec) | version_ |
real(rprec) | delphid |
real(rprec) | ionlarmor |
real(rprec) | volavgb |
real(rprec) | fsql |
real(rprec) | fsqr |
real(rprec) | fsqz |
real(rprec) | ftolv |
real(rprec) | aminor |
real(rprec) | rmajor |
real(rprec) | volume |
real(rprec) | rbtor |
real(rprec) | rbtor0 |
real(rprec) | itor |
real(rprec) | machsq |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable | rzl_local |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | rmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | zmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | lmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | rmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | zmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | lmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | gmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubumnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubvmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubsmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsupumnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsupvmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | currvmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | currumnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bbc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | raxis |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | zaxis |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | gmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubumns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubvmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsubsmnc |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsupumns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | bsupvmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | currumns |
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable | currvmns |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | iotas |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | iotaf |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | presf |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | phipf |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | mass |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | pres |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | beta_vol |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | xm |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | xn |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | qfact |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | chipf |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | phi |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | chi |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | xm_nyq |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | xn_nyq |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | phip |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | buco |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | bvco |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | vp |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | overr |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | jcuru |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | jcurv |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | specw |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | jdotb |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | bdotb |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | bdotgradv |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | fsqt |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | wdot |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | am |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ac |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ai |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | am_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | am_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ac_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ac_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ai_aux_s |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ai_aux_f |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dmerc |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dshear |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dwell |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dcurr |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dgeod |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | equif |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | extcur |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | sknots |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ystark |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | y2stark |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | pknots |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | ythom |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | y2thom |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | anglemse |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | rmid |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | qmid |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | shear |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | presmid |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | alfa |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | curmid |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | rstark |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | qmeas |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | datastark |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | rthom |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | datathom |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | dsiobt |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable | potvac |
logical | lasym |
logical | lthreed |
logical | lwout_opened =.false. |
character | mgrid_file |
character | input_extension |
character | pmass_type |
character | pcurr_type |
character | piota_type |
Reading of wout
VMEC output file.
subroutine read_wout_mod::compute_currents | ( | integer, intent(out) | ierror | ) |
Definition at line 684 of file read_wout_mod.f.
References bsubsmnc, bsubsmns, bsubumnc, bsubumns, bsubvmnc, bsubvmns, currumnc, currumns, currvmnc, currvmns, lasym, mnmax_nyq, stel_constants::mu0, xm_nyq, and xn_nyq.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
subroutine read_wout_mod::loadrzl |
subroutine read_wout_mod::read_wout_deallocate |
Definition at line 784 of file read_wout_mod.f.
References ac, ac_aux_f, ac_aux_s, ai, ai_aux_f, ai_aux_s, am, am_aux_f, am_aux_s, bdotb, bdotgradv, beta_vol, bmnc, bmns, bsubsmnc, bsubsmns, bsubumnc, bsubumns, bsubvmnc, bsubvmns, bsupumnc, bsupumns, bsupvmnc, bsupvmns, buco, bvco, chi, chipf, mgrid_mod::curlabel, currumnc, currumns, currvmnc, currvmns, dcurr, dgeod, dmerc, dshear, dwell, equif, extcur, fsqt, gmnc, gmns, iotaf, iotas, jcuru, jcurv, jdotb, lmnc, lmns, lwout_opened, mass, overr, phi, phip, phipf, potvac, pres, presf, raxis, rmnc, rmns, rzl_local, specw, vp, wdot, xm, xm_nyq, xn, xn_nyq, zaxis, zmnc, and zmns.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
subroutine read_wout_mod::readw_and_open | ( | character(len=*), intent(in) | file_or_extension, |
integer, intent(out) | ierr, | ||
integer, optional | iopen ) |
Definition at line 250 of file read_wout_mod.f.
subroutine read_wout_mod::tosuvspace | ( | real(rprec), intent(in) | s_in, |
real(rprec), intent(in) | u_in, | ||
real(rprec), intent(in) | v_in, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | gsqrt, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | bsupu, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | bsupv, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | jsupu, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | jsupv, | ||
real(rprec), intent(out), optional | lam ) |
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ac |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ac_aux_f |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ac_aux_s |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ai |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ai_aux_f |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ai_aux_s |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::alfa |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::am |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::am_aux_f |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::am_aux_s |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::aminor |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::anglemse |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::aspect |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::b0 |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bbc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::bcwgt |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bdotb |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bdotgradv |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::beta_vol |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::betapol |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::betator |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::betatot |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::betaxis |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bmns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubsmnc |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubsmns |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubumnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubumns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubvmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsubvmns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsupumnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsupumns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsupvmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bsupvmns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::buco |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::bvco |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::chi |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::chipf |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::curmid |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::currumnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::currumns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::currvmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::currvmns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::datastark |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::datathom |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dcurr |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::delphid |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dgeod |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dmerc |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dshear |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dsiobt |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::dwell |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::equif |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::extcur |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::flmwgt |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::fsql |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::fsqr |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::fsqt |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::fsqz |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::ftolv |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::gamma |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::gmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::gmns |
Definition at line 217 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
integer read_wout_mod::iasym |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::ierr_vmec |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::imatch_phiedge |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
integer read_wout_mod::imse |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
character read_wout_mod::input_extension |
Definition at line 232 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::ionlarmor |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::iotaf |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::iotas |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::ipnodes |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
integer read_wout_mod::isigng |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::isnodes |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::itor |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::itse |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::jcuru |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::jcurv |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::jdotb |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
logical read_wout_mod::lasym |
Definition at line 231 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), loadrzl(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::lmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::lmns |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_abeta = 'Beta axis' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ac = 'Specification parameters for <J>(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ac_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for <J>(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ac_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for <J>(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ai = 'Specification parameters for iota(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ai_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for iota(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ai_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for iota(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_am = 'Specification parameters for mass(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_am_aux_f = 'Auxiliary-f parameters for mass(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_am_aux_s = 'Auxiliary-s parameters for mass(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_amin = 'minor radius' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_aspect = 'Aspect ratio' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_asym = 'Asymmetry' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_b0 = 'RB-t over R axis' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bdotb = 'B dot B' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_beta = 'Total beta' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_betah = 'beta half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bgrv = 'B dot grad v' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bmnc = 'cosmn component of mod-B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bmns = 'sinmn component of mod-B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubsmnc = 'cosmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubsmns = 'sinmn covariant s-component of B, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubumnc = 'cosmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubumnc_sur = 'cosmn bsubu of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubumns = 'sinmn covariant u-component of B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubumns_sur = 'sinmn bsubu of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubvmnc = 'cosmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubvmnc_sur = 'cosmn bsubv of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubvmns = 'sinmn covariant v-component of B, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsubvmns_sur = 'sinmn bsubv of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupumnc = 'BSUPUmnc half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupumnc_sur = 'cosmn bsupu of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupumns = 'BSUPUmns half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupumns_sur = 'sinmn bsupu of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupvmnc = 'BSUPVmnc half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupvmnc_sur = 'cosmn bsupv of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupvmns = 'BSUPVmns half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bsupvmns_sur = 'sinmn bsupv of B, surface' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_buco = 'bsubu half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_bvco = 'bsubv half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_chi = 'Poloidal flux on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_chipf = 'd(chi)/ds: Poroidal flux deriv on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ctor = 'Toroidal current' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_curlab = 'External current names' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_equif ='Average force balance' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_error = 'Error flag' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_extcur = 'External coil currents' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_extension = 'Input file extension' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_fp = 'Field Periods' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_free = 'Free boundary' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_fsq = 'Residual decay' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_fsql = 'Residual decay - hoop' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_fsqr = 'Residual decay - radial' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_fsqz = 'Residual decay - vertical' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_ftolv = 'Residual decay - requested' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_gam = 'Gamma' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_gmnc = 'cosmn component of jacobian, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_gmns = 'sinmn component of jacobian, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_iotaf = 'iota on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_iotah = 'iota half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_jcuru = 'j dot gradu full' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_jcurv = 'j dot gradv full' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_jdotb = 'J dot B' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_lar = 'Ion Larmor radius' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_lmnc = 'cosmn component of lambda, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_lmns = 'sinmn component of lambda, half mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_magen = 'Magnetic Energy' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mass = 'mass half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_maxit = 'Max iterations' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_maxmod = 'Fourier modes' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_maxmod_nyq = 'Fourier modes (Nyquist)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_maxr = 'Maximum R' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_maxz = 'Maximum Z' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mcurr = 'Current Mercier' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_merc = 'Mercier criterion' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mgeo = 'Geodesic Mercier' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mgrid = 'MGRID file' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_minr = 'Minimum R' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_modb = 'avg mod B' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mse = 'Number of MSE points' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mshear = 'Shear Mercier' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_mwell = 'Well Mercier' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_pbeta = 'Poloidal beta' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_pcurr_type = 'Profile type specifier for <J>(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_phi = 'Toroidal flux on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_phip = 'tor flux deriv over 2pi half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_phipf = 'd(phi)/ds: Toroidal flux deriv on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_piota_type = 'Profile type specifier for iota(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_pmass_type = 'Profile type specifier for mass(s)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_pmod = 'Poloidal mode numbers' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_pmod_nyq = 'Poloidal mode numbers (Nyquist)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_polmod = 'Poloidal modes' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_potvac = 'Vacuum Potential on Boundary' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_presf = 'pressure on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_presh = 'pressure half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_qfact = 'q-factor on full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_racc = 'raxis (cosnv)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_racs = 'raxis (sinnv)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_radnod = 'Radial nodes' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rbc = 'Initial boundary R cos(mu-nv) coefficients' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rbs = 'Initial boundary R sin(mu-nv) coefficients' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rbt0 = 'RB-t axis' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rbt1 = 'RB-t edge' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_recon = 'Reconstruction' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rmaj = 'major radius' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_rmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical R, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_sgs = 'Sign jacobian' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_specw = 'Spectral width half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_tbeta = 'Toroidal beta' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_therm = 'Thermal Energy' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_thom = 'Number of Thompson scattering points' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_tmod = 'Toroidal mode numbers' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_tmod_nyq = 'Toroidal mode numbers (Nyquist)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_tormod = 'Toroidal modes' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_version = 'VMEC Version' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_vol = 'Plasma volume' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_vp = 'volume deriv half' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_wdot = 'Wdot decay' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zacc = 'zaxis (cosnv)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zacs = 'zaxis (sinnv)' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zbc = 'Initial boundary Z cos(mu-nv) coefficients' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zbs = 'Initial boundary Z sin(mu-nv) coefficients' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zmnc = 'cosmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::ln_zmns = 'sinmn component of cylindrical Z, full mesh' |
Definition at line 94 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
logical read_wout_mod::lthreed |
Definition at line 231 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
logical read_wout_mod::lwout_opened =.false. |
Definition at line 231 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::machsq |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::mass |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
character read_wout_mod::mgrid_file |
Definition at line 232 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::mnmax |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
integer read_wout_mod::mnmax_nyq |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), tosuvspace(), and wrout().
integer read_wout_mod::mnyq |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::mpol |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::msewgt |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
integer read_wout_mod::nfp |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
integer read_wout_mod::niter |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
integer read_wout_mod::nnyq |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
integer read_wout_mod::ns |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
integer read_wout_mod::ntmax |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl().
integer read_wout_mod::ntor |
Definition at line 202 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::overr |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
character read_wout_mod::pcurr_type |
Definition at line 233 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::pfac |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::phi |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::phidiam |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::phip |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::phipf |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
character read_wout_mod::piota_type |
Definition at line 233 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::pknots |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character read_wout_mod::pmass_type |
Definition at line 233 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::potvac |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::pres |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::presf |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::presmid |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::qfact |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::qmeas |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::qmid |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::raxis |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::rbtor |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::rbtor0 |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::rmajor |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::rmax_surf |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rmid |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::rmin_surf |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rmns |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rstark |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rthom |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::rzl_local |
Definition at line 212 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), and read_wout_deallocate().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::shear |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::sknots |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::specw |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::tswgt |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::version_ |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_abeta = 'betaxis' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ac = 'ac' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ac_aux_f = 'ac_aux_f' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ac_aux_s = 'ac_aux_s' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ah = 'hot particle fraction' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ai = 'ai' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ai_aux_f = 'ai_aux_f' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ai_aux_s = 'ai_aux_s' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_am = 'am' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_am_aux_f = 'am_aux_f' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_am_aux_s = 'am_aux_s' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_amin = 'Aminor_p' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_aspect = 'aspect' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_asym = 'lasym' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_atuname = 'T-perp/T-par' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_b0 = 'b0' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bdotb = 'bdotb' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_beta = 'betatotal' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_betah = 'beta_vol' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bgrv = 'bdotgradv' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bmnc = 'bmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bmns = 'bmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubsmnc = 'bsubsmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubsmns = 'bsubsmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubumnc = 'bsubumnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubumnc_sur = 'bsubumnc_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubumns = 'bsubumns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubumns_sur = 'bsubumns_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubvmnc = 'bsubvmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubvmnc_sur = 'bsubvmnc_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubvmns = 'bsubvmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsubvmns_sur = 'bsubvmns_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupumnc = 'bsupumnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupumnc_sur = 'bsupumnc_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupumns = 'bsupumns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupumns_sur = 'bsupumns_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupvmnc = 'bsupvmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupvmnc_sur = 'bsupvmnc_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupvmns = 'bsupvmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bsupvmns_sur = 'bsupvmns_sur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_buco = 'buco' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_bvco = 'bvco' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_chi ='chi' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_chipf ='chipf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ctor = 'ctor' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_curlab = 'curlabel' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_equif = 'equif' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_error = 'ier_flag' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_extcur = 'extcur' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_extension = 'input_extension' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_fp = 'nfp' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_free = 'lfreeb' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_fsq = 'fsqt' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_fsql = 'fsql' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_fsqr = 'fsqr' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_fsqz = 'fsqz' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_ftolv = 'ftolv' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_gam = 'gamma' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_gmnc = 'gmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_gmns = 'gmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_iotaf = 'iotaf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_iotah = 'iotas' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_jcuru = 'jcuru' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_jcurv = 'jcurv' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_jdotb = 'jdotb' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_lar = 'IonLarmor' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_lmnc = 'lmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_lmns = 'lmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_magen = 'wb' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mass = 'mass' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_maxit = 'niter' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_maxmod = 'mnmax' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_maxmod_nyq = 'mnmax_nyq' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_maxr = 'rmax_surf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_maxz = 'zmax_surf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mcurr = 'DCurr' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_merc = 'DMerc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mgeo = 'DGeod' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mgrid = 'mgrid_file' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_minr = 'rmin_surf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_modb = 'volavgB' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mse = 'imse' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mshear = 'DShear' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_mwell = 'DWell' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_overr = 'over_r' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_pbeta = 'betapol' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_pcurr_type = 'pcurr_type' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_phi = 'phi' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_phip = 'phips' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_phipf = 'phipf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_piota_type = 'piota_type' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_pmass_type = 'pmass_type' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_pmod = 'xm' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_pmod_nyq = 'xm_nyq' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_polmod = 'mpol' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_potvac = 'potvac' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_presf = 'presf' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_presh = 'pres' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_qfact ='q-factor' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_racc = 'raxis_cc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_racs = 'raxis_cs' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_radnod = 'ns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rbc = 'rbc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rbs = 'rbs' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rbt0 = 'rbtor0' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rbt1 = 'rbtor' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rmaj = 'Rmajor_p' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rmnc = 'rmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_rmns = 'rmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_sgs = 'signgs' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_specw = 'specw' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_tbeta = 'betator' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_therm = 'wp' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_thom = 'itse' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_tmod = 'xn' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_tmod_nyq = 'xn_nyq' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_tormod = 'ntor' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_version = 'version_' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_vol = 'volume_p' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_vp = 'vp' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_wdot = 'wdot' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zacc = 'zaxis_cc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zacs = 'zaxis_cs' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zbc = 'zbc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zbs = 'zbs' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zmnc = 'zmnc' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
character(len=*), parameter read_wout_mod::vn_zmns = 'zmns' |
Definition at line 32 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and wrout().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::volavgb |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::volume |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::vp |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::wb |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::wdot |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::wp |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::xm |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::xm_nyq |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::xn |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::xn_nyq |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by compute_currents(), read_wout_deallocate(), read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open(), and tosuvspace().
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::y2stark |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::y2thom |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ystark |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:), allocatable read_wout_mod::ythom |
Definition at line 220 of file read_wout_mod.f.
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::zaxis |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec) read_wout_mod::zmax_surf |
Definition at line 205 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::zmnc |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().
real(rprec), dimension(:,:), allocatable read_wout_mod::zmns |
Definition at line 213 of file read_wout_mod.f.
Referenced by loadrzl(), read_wout_deallocate(), and read_wout_mod::read_wout_file::readw_and_open().